Summer Camp for girls 2023

She truly enjoyed her time at camp and I sincerely appreciate how the camp was run and the attention the camp counselors gave to the students. Also, the recital on Thursday was awesome and their hard work showed.

New creative experiences

The program provided an opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children.  And the feedback I received from the parents and family members regarding the program was so positive. Parents and Grandparents told me that their children/ grandchildren looked forward to dancing and drumming.

Express yourself through dance

Thank you so much for allowing me to join the class here! It was absolutely a privilege! I’ve never fest so happy being able to express myself through dance. I wish you and the students well on their final performance!! God bless!

A wonderful teacher

Dear Elissa,
I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your modern dance classes. For years I’ve wanted to join this lovely group of women I would see perform at each Danceathon. I’ve never danced modern before. Thank you for your patience with me. You are a wonderful teacher, full of joy, enthusiasm, and love.

A wonderful place

To All at Center for Modern Dance,
Thank you for having such a wonderful place for my girls to enjoy dancing!
Lea is autistic and is in the special-needs class, and both teachers are wonderful! Liza, who is also autistic, is higher-functioning and is able to take the hip-hop class. Javon has such positive energy it’s contagious.
So pleased with all you are doing, and wishing you continued success and happiness.

CMDE embraces all abilities and enthusiasm

Our son is a special needs child, living in two worlds where he hardly fits in either. CMDE is the place where he has been able to develop the creative side of his personality in an environment that embraces him for his abilities and enthusiasm.

Growth and flexibility

CMDE is a living changing and open institution – in this way it feels almost non-institutional. The tone and the atmosphere is strikingly different than most dance studios, which makes it a great place to “hang out.” This had much to do with Elissa, the managing director, all the teacher, Shirley the visionary and just the entire ethos of the place.


They are also committed to unlocking and supporting the creativity within each child. There is true respect for the child in the teaching approaches, in the content of what is taught, and in the way that each culminating performance is developed and presented.

Community Driven

CMDE’s deep and clear commitment to the community can almost bring one to tears and in my case, it often has. They are truly inclusive. They don’t brag about it or even really discuss it. They just really are.

Process over Product

CMDE is the real deal. It is an authentic community of dance artists – teaching artists – performance artists. The children are introduced to concepts and movement that is not all about a “cute show” with an expensive costume.