CMDE programming is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts; the Bergen County Department of Human Services Youth Services Commission; Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund; Levitt Foundation; and numerous individual donors.

NJSCA logo and statement
Discover Jersey Arts logo
National Endowment for the arts
Bergen County Youth Services Commission

The 2022 repair of the main CMDE dance studio was made possible by an FY22 capital grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. CMDE was supported in 2020-2022 by COVID-relief funding from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Jersey Arts and Culture Recovery Fund, Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, and New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

The Genesis Inspiration Foundation logo

“Genesis Inspiration Foundation is dedicated to empowering young people across the nation to discover the profound impact of the arts within their communities,” said John Guastaferro, executive director, Genesis Inspiration Foundation. “We are honored to support Center for Modern Dance Education in our joint effort to broaden access to youth arts education, foster creativity, and open doors to a world of possibilities.”

John Guastaferro ExecutiveDirector, Genesis Inspiration Foundation

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